Education: Kenespaeva L.B. In 2002 she graduated with honors from the Kazakh National University. Al-Farabi with a degree in Geography, in 2004 she graduated with honors from the magistracy of the Faculty of Geography of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in 6M060900-Geography. Labor, scientific and pedagogical activity: 2005 - 2007 worked as a teacher at the Department of Geography of the Natural Geography Faculty of the Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute in Almaty, from 2007-2008 she worked as a specialist in the Department of Economic and Social Geography of the Faculty of Geography of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 2008-2009 assistant of the department of economic and social geography of the geographical faculty of KazNU named after al-Farabi. 2009-2012 Lecturer in the Department of Economic, Social and Political Geography of the Faculty of Geography of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. From 2012 to the present, senior lecturer at the Department of Geography, Land Management and Cadastre of the Faculty of Geography and Nature Management. Scientific and pedagogical experience - 17 years. Kenespaeva L.B. equally successfully conducts classes in Kazakh and Russian languages in the disciplines of the specialties "5B060900 - Geography" and "5B090700 - Cadastre": "Geography of the population with the basics of demography", "Territorial organization of the population with the basics of demography", "Sustainable planning of the city and land use", " Management of urban territories”, “Socio-geographical research”, etc., and also supervises students’ diploma and scientific works.
Educational institution |
Квалификация |
Expiration date |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Магистратура |
2004 |
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби |
Высшее |
2002 |
File name |
Headline |
Description |
Technical and Economic Bases of Manufacture |
Силлабус по ТЭОП-2010 |
Technical and Economic Bases of Manufacture |
все лекции тэоп, отрасли промышленнсти из Куракина |
Technical and Economic Bases of Manufacture |
Слайды обновленные |
Introduction to the Economical, Social and Political Geography |
Программа промежуточного экзамена по ВЭСПГ рус |
Introduction to the Economical, Social and Political Geography |
Карта учебно-методической обеспеченности Введение |
Introduction to the Economical, Social and Political Geography |
Силлабус_ВЭСПГ_рус_2015 |
Introduction to the Economical, Social and Political Geography |
Вопросы - Введение |
Introduction to the Economical, Social and Political Geography |
СРС СРСП Введение в геогр. |
Introduction to the Economical, Social and Political Geography |
Introduction to the Economical, Social and Political Geography |
Introduction to the Economical, Social and Political Geography |
Алисов,_12.04.2011 |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Автомобильный_транспорт_2007 |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Деревообр. и целлюл-бумажная промышленность РК |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Железнодорожный_транспорт_2007 |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Ископаемые РК |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Разм-е предпр. по переработке схз продуктов РК |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Размещение предпр-ий черной и цветной метал-и РК |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Транспортная_сеть_2007 |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Книгообеспеченность 2015 |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Силлабус_гео РК |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Силлабус РК-2015г. |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Силлабус РК-2015г. |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Лаборат_задания_СРСП |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Семинарское занятие РК |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Лаборат_задания_СРСП |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
treatise9563 |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Конспект лекционных занятий РК |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
himicheskaya_promyshlennost_kazahstana |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Цветная_металлургия |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Программа MIDterm exam_РК |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Экон_геогр_Казахстана_вопросы |
Economic and Social Geography of the Republic of Kazakhstan (V) |
Экз.билет по форме РК |
Engineering Territory Arrangement |
Kirik_D_A_Inzhenernoe_obustroystvo_territorii |
Engineering Territory Arrangement |
Силлабус ИОТ |
Engineering Territory Arrangement |
ИОТ лабораторные |
Engineering Territory Arrangement |
studentwork |
Engineering Territory Arrangement |
Kirik_D_A_Inzhenernoe_obustroystvo_territorii |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
Гос.рег.матер. для практ.зан. |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
Косымша1 |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
Окулык. жу.тіркеу.есепке алу |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
Семинар |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
Карта обесп |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
2k.Каз.Sillabus_ГосРег и УЗиНедв. |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
2k.Рус.Sillabus_ГосРег и УЗиНедв. |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
Темы самостоятельной работы студентов под руководством преподавателя |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
Студенттердің өзіндік жұмыстары тізімі |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
лекции госрег.уч.зем.рус. |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
лекции жу.есепке алу,тиркеу. |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
лекции регистрация зем.участков |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
лекции-Государственная регистрация земельных участков и учет земель |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
Лекция |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
Midterm exam |
State Registration and Account of Land and Real Estate |
емтихан сурак |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
Книгообеспеченность Террит_орг |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
Террит_орг_нас_силлабус |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
Халықты аймақтық ұйымдастыру және аудандық жоспарлау |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
территор организ населения с основами |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
территор организ населения с основами |
Territorial Organization of Population With Basics of District Planning |
Программа MIDterm exam_ТОН |
Management of Urban Areas |
Кал_аум_бас_силлабус |
Management of Urban Areas |
Упр_гор_тер_сил_рус |
Management of Urban Areas |
Термины |
Management of Urban Areas |
Управ_гор_территориями |
Management of Urban Areas |
Упр_город_террит_силлабус_русс |
Management of Urban Areas |
Ловягин, Мушич. Управление городскими территориями. 2011 |
Management of Urban Areas |
Управ_гор_территориями_ЛЕК |
Management of Urban Areas |
Ловягин, Мушич. Управление городскими территориями. 2011 |
Management of Urban Areas |
Программа MIDterm exam_Управление_зем |
Management of Urban Areas |
Экзам_вопросы |
Management of Urban Areas |
Книгообеспеченность Управ_гор_тер |
Management of Urban Areas |
Упр_город_террит_силлабус_русс |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
Земельный кодекс Республики Казахстан |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
ПриложениеФермер Хоз_.07-11-2014.rus |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
Семинар ГРУЗН-русс |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
Карта обесп рус |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
силл.рус.РСН.3кр. |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
лекции-Государственная регистрация земельных участков и учет земель |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
Лекция1-15рус |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
Registration of Real Estate Transactions |
Midterm exam |
Нюсупова Г.Н., Кожахметов Б.Т., Токбергенова А.А., Калимурзина А.М., Аубакирова Г.Б.
Географические основы исследования человеческого развития Республики Казахстан: социально-демографические аспекты
" Қазақ университеті " 2018 - г. ISBN 978-601-04 123 - стр.
Нюсупова Г.Н., Кожахметов Б.Т., Тажиева Д.А., Токбергенова А.А., Калимурзина А.М., Аубакирова Г.Б.
"Қазақ университеті" 2018 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-2924-6 7 - стр.
Актымбаева А.С., Нюсупова Г.Н., Кайранбаева Г.К., Токбергенова А.А., Аубакирова Г.Б.
"Қазақ университеті" 2019 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-4291-7 10 - стр.
Актымбаева А.С., Нюсупова Г.Н., Кожахметов Б.Т., Келинбаева Р.Ж., Тажиева Д.А., Кайранбаева Г.К., Токбергенова А.А., Калимурзина А.М., Аубакирова Г.Б., Мукалиев Ж.К., Мусагалиева А.Н.
" Қазақ университеті " 2021 - г. ISBN 978-601-04-4810-0 377 - стр.